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What Does Your Voice Say About You When You Call An Escort


Wichita Escorts Service

It is common for clients to be anxious about calling an escort for the first time. The first call generally seems to be difficult for most due to the experiencing bouts of shyness, battling guilty feelings and awkwardness. However, independent female escorts, who have several years of experience in this field can rightly understand this feeling of their customers right from their tempo, vocal tone and other characteristics including the words used by the first-timers for conversing.

Researches have found that an individual makes use of three different methods to relay his message. The first is the body language and this is applicable only when he meets the escort in person. When it comes to making telephonic calls, the voice of the individual carries high importance in revealing his intention and the third thing is the words used by the individual. So, tone is an important tool that can make or break when an individual intends to call the best escorts in Wichita. Here are some things your voice can tell to the escort girls:

Independent Escorts in Wichita

Height: Do you know that independent female escorts can judge your height with your voice? In general, these girls talk to a lot of men and most of them find that the taller a man is, lower will be his voice. Even though, this is misleading, scientific facts have agreed to this concept. Women generally tend to equate a man with a deep voice to manliness. If you wish to show yourself as a tall man, it is better to talk in lower voice when talking to these girls over the phone. Before calling, just clear your throat and concentrate on lowering your pitch by a note or two. However, do not adjust your voice too much as it will sound unnatural.

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Looks: Best escorts in Wichita, also tend to make instant classifications about your looks on the basis of your voice. Even though, it is true that people with pleasant voice always does not have a good personality, it will assist in creating a good first impression. In addition, experts have stated that women like men with lower-pitched voice as they consider them manly. Even, they believe that men with attractive and symmetrical faces have a more melodious voice. Even, this has been proven by some researchers.

So, when making your first call to an escort girl, try to sound manly in such a way that you can create a good impression in her mind before actually meeting her.


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